
Ingo Maurer And Team

The name behind luminaires that conquered the world, Ingo Maurer, the multi-award-winning German designer, is also called the “Poet of Light”. Born in 1932 on Reichenau Island, south of Germany, he studied typography and graphic design before delving deeper into the creative world on a three-year trip to the United States. With the gift of instigating the imagination and promoting different sensations, he etched his name in history and his creations have reached the status of works of art, with a prominent place in contemporary museums, such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA), where some of its iconic lamps can still be admired today. The German designer passed away on October 21, 2019, at the age of 87, but he leaves his name immortalized in the creative scene through creations that can undeniably be considered works of contemporary art.

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